Union Local School District will be operating under a level, color coded system:

  Union Local School District





Union Local School District will be operating under a level, color coded system:

    • GREEN:  All students will report to campus 4 days a week and participate in remote learning 1 day a week.  

      • Union Local will attempt to go GREEN when the county is operating at a minimal exposure/spread as indicated by the Ohio Health Department’s leveled system.  This would mean that Belmont County is operating on LEVEL 1.  (See Ohio COVID-19 Risk Level Guidelines for the Public attached to the bottom of this document.)  The Union Local Board of Education will have final say on the determination of the district’s operating level/schedule.

    • YELLOW: Remote Learning:  Students will report to campus in smaller, controlled groups. 

      • Union Local will operate on YELLOW when the county has increased exposure and or high exposure and spread as indicated by the Ohio Health Department’s leveled system.  This would mean that Belmont County would be operating on either a LEVEL 2 or LEVEL 3.   (See Ohio COVID-19 Risk Level Guidelines for the Public attached to the bottom of this document.) The Union Local Board of Education will have final say on the determination of the district’s operating level/schedule.

    • RED:  No Students will report to campus.  Staff ONLY will be on campus. 

      • Union Local will operate on RED when the county has severe exposure and spread.  This would mean that Belmont County would be operating on a LEVEL 4.  (See Ohio COVID-19 Risk Level Guidelines for the Public attached to the bottom of this document.)  The Union Local Board of Education will have final say on the determination of the district’s operating level/schedule.

Using the most current COVID data in our county and to ensure the safety of staff and students, Union Local will begin this school year operating on YELLOW.  Below is the color coded schedule for the next several months:

  • August 24-September 4 will be for staff professional development; Students will not report.

    • August 26, 27 & September 2, 3:  Parent Workshops...Details will be provided at a later date

  • September 8-18:  YELLOW  25% of students will attend each school day, using a 4 day schedule. Hence, your child will attend one of the 4 days Tuesday-Friday.  Students will be broken into Group A1, A2, B1, and B2.  A1 will attend on Tuesday, A2 will attend on Wednesday, B1 will attend on Thursday, and B2 will attend on Friday.  

  • September 14 will be a practice run of remote learning.  All students will participate in remote learning to make sure that students have access to platforms, curriculum, etc.

  • September 21- October 2 YELLOW  50% of students will attend 2 days each week.  Group A students will report on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Group B students will report on Thursdays and Fridays. . 

  • October through May will be determined at a later date



When attending school on campus, staff and students will be expected to wear a face mask/face covering.  If your child does not have a face covering/ mask, the school district will provide them to your child.  

Face Covering Procedures

Recognizing the importance of face coverings as one of the comprehensive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Board directs the Superintendent to work with the local health department procedures, considering the guidance provided by the Ohio Department of Health and all the available science, for the use of face coverings in the District.  

Recognizing that available scientific information and local needs may change, the Board authorizes the Superintendent to continue to review and adjust face covering procedures in consultation with health officials.  All face covering procedures must be clearly communicated to all staff, volunteers, parents and students in a timely manner.  At no time may the Superintendent require any less for face coverings than may be required by law or health department requirement.  

At a minimum, face coverings should be worn to cover an individual’s nose, mouth, and chin.   Face coverings must be appropriate and in alignment with the district’s dress code.  An acceptable face covering is considered to be either a face mask or a face shield. Face masks

Procedures for Staff and Volunteers

All staff and volunteers who do not meet one of the listed exceptions are required to wear face coverings in the work setting unless it is unsafe to do so or doing so would significantly interfere with the learning process.

Exceptions for Staff Face Coverings Include:

  1. Facial Coverings in the school setting are prohibited by law or regulation

  2. Facial Coverings are in violation of documented industry standards

  3. Facial Coverings are not advisable for health reasons which must be supported by documentation by a physician's orders. 

  4. Facial Coverings are not required when the staff works alone in an assigned work area

  5. Facial Coverings are in violation of the school’s documented safety policies

  6. There is a functional (practical) reason for a staff member or volunteer to not wear a facial covering in the workplace.  

If face shields are used without a mask, they should wrap around the sides of the wearer’s face and extend below the chin.  Face masks should cover the nose and mouth completely (almost to the eyes and to the base of the chin).  

 Face Coverings, Face Shields, and Masks

School staff will teach and reinforce use of face coverings.  Face coverings may be challenging for students (especially younger students) to wear in all-day settings such as school.  

  • Face coverings are required of all staff.  

  • Face Coverings (masks) are required for bus drivers and transportation aides any time students are on the bus and while in all school facilities

  • Students in grades PK-12 are required to wear Face Coverings unless they meet one of the listed exceptions.  The exceptions include the following:

  1. Children under the age of 2 years old

  2. Any child unable to remove the face covering without assistance

  3. A child with a significant behavioral/psychological issue undergoing treatment that is exacerbated specifically by the use of a facial covering (e.g. severe anxiety or a tactile aversion)

  4. A child living with severe autism or with extreme developmental delay who may become agitated or anxious wearing a mask

  5. A child with a facial deformity that causes airway obstruction

  • Students in grades K-12 are required to wear Face Masks in congregant areas.  This includes the  classroom setting.   

  • All students in grades K-12 shall wear face masks prior to entering the bus, while riding the bus and when exiting the bus.  Preschool students may wear a Face Shield on the bus as opposed to a face mask.

  • Face shields may be worn as an alternative in all settings for students in Preschool

  • Face Coverings are not required when students are participating in outdoor activities and during exercise when social distancing can be maintained.  

NOTE:  Due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19, requirements and recommendations on all protocols are subject to change.

If a student and/or staff member is in need of a face mask or face shield, the school will provide the student and/or staff member with a face mask or face shield upon request.  Parents, students and staff should wash their face covering daily. 

AMENDED:  Per State Director of Health Order August 13, 2020


Union Local will be providing parents two educational options for their children:

  1. On-Line Learning

  2. In Person/Remote Learning (This may involve a blended approach with direct instruction on campus as well as on-line learning using Google as our main platform.)  

Below is some information explaining both of these educational options.


In order to ensure that your child receives a quality education that is reflective of the guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Education, the Union Local School District wants to make sure that parents understand the concept and features of our on-line learning option. Prior to selecting on-line learning, please review the information below:

  • Upon request, all students who participate in online learning through ULSD will be provided with a school chromebook they may use as long as they are participating in the ULSD online program.  

  • Students grades K-2 who participate in on-line instruction from a ULSD teacher using district approved curriculum.

  • Students grades 3-12 who participate in on-line learning will receive their education through OdysseyWare, which is an online learning platform.   https://www.odysseyware.com/https://glndocs.s3.amazonaws.com/odw/TRupdates/Parent-User-Guide.pdf?pdf=Parent-User-Guide

  • Students participating in online learning will be working from home regardless of the level in which the school is operating under.

  • Students will be expected to complete the 9 week assignments on Odysseyware as guided by their individual learning plans. Individual learning plans will be a plan developed by the teacher and student outlining the individual learning goals/curriculum for each student participating in the online option. 

  • Students will NOT be permitted to modify their educational platform until the end of the 9 weeks.

  • The Union Local School District will offer students and parents an orientation on the K-2 online learning.  It is required that parents and students attend this orientation prior to receiving access to the online platforms/curriculum.

  • The Union Local School District will offer students and parents an orientation on the Odysseyware platform.  It is required that parents and students attend this orientation prior to receiving access to Odysseyware.

  • Parents with Students with disabilities who are wanting to participate in the on-line learning must contact their child’s building principal so that a meeting can be scheduled with the special education director and the IEP team.  A plan must be developed to ensure that the services outlined in the IEP are addressed and can be met. 


Odysseyware is an online learning platform for students in grades 3-12 used in schools and by homeschool families. Odysseyware is student-paced and mastery-based and with limited teacher interaction. 

Odysseyware has separate online courses for each subject your child must complete.  For example, if your child is in 7th grade, he/she will have separate science, social studies, math, and language arts courses that are similar to UL’s in-person courses.  

“Mastery-based” means the student must show they understand one concept before moving to the next. This approach prevents learning gaps and ensures thorough learning. In practical terms, a student has to achieve a 70% on lessons and quizzes before he/she can move on to the next set of lessons and quizzes.


Odysseyware is rigorous. Odysseyware lessons contain some videos and limited hands on assignments but also require a considerable amount of reading (or text read to the student).  Hence, your child will be required to read and comprehend a lot of academic material.


  • Students will need to log in and complete their work daily.  Students will need to complete a minimum of 26 hours a week in order to meet the state’s on-line learning requirements.

  • We expect academic integrity, with students completing the lessons, quizzes and tests on their own.  We understand that parents may help but the work is to be a reflection of the student’s academic ability and not the parent’s.

  • Students will be expected to maintain on-going communication with the teacher assigned to your student.  

  • Odysseyware assignments will need to be completed independently. 


  • Odysseyware does NOT modify its content for the individual learner.  Students are assigned grade-level assignments.  If your child is enrolled in the 4th grade, your child will be assigned work aligned to the 4th grade standards. 

  • Odysseyware is student paced, mastery based, and with limited teacher interaction.



Online learning is not for all students.  In fact, if your child struggles with staying focused, being motivated and on task, or has difficulty with processing and/or comprehending information,  online learning may prove to be very difficult for your child.  For this reason, the majority of students tend to be more successful in a structured environment where they have ample interaction with teachers and their peers.

If we are not able to safely attend campus and operate under GREEN,  we will evaluate the current pandemic statistics for our county and either operate under YELLOW or RED.  When operating under YELLOW or RED, Union Local will be offering remote learning opportunities with a blended learning approach.  Students will have daily access to their teachers.  Teachers will be holding live lessons as well as posting recorded videos and resources to assist your child with learning grade-level content. There will be weekly communication opportunities for students with their teachers.  In summary, those students who choose to participate in remote learning will be participating in a blended learning concept where they will be receiving face to face instruction as well as working on lessons at home through google classroom.


Students will not be penalized for absences related to contracting COVID-19 or having  to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19 exposure/symptoms.  When students are not able to attend school in person, it is recommended that students complete work remotely. When students are participating in person learning, all district attendance requirements will apply.  Online learning will be monitored by the designated online teacher in each building.  Time present in online learning through Odysseyware will be measured by the program.  Students will have the flexibility within the Odysseyware program to determine the hours for which they spend engaged in learning.  Union Local teachers assisting students in Odysseyware will be available during regular scheduled school hours, unless otherwise noted.  For students engaged in remote learning, attendance will be monitored in regards to task completion, attendance in virtual classroom presentations, and projects completed.  


  1. Students should board the bus and fill in seats from back to front during the morning bus ride.  Bus drivers will unload the bus from front to back.

  2. Bus drivers will await the signal and follow the directions of the school administration or staff when unloading buses.  Buses will be unloaded one at a time, and specific protocol and location for drop off of students will be shared with the transportation department.  

  3. Bus drivers and support staff should work with school staff to receive students on their buses and seat them in their assigned seats.  

  4. During the evening bus ride, the first stop should be the first seat, and continue at each stop seating students front to back, etc., with students getting off at designated stops as they normally do.  If the bus is not reversed in the afternoon, students should set in the same seat that they sat during the morning ride.

  5. Physical distancing is encouraged as students arrive at bus stops in the morning and leave their bus stops and proceed to their homes in the afternoon.

  6. Parents are encouraged to be present at bus stops to make sure that the students are following proper physical distancing.

  7. If possible, students must be seated alone.  When a student is seated alone, he/she will be seated next to the window and away from the aisle.

  8. Students must remain seated at all times and must not change seats during the bus ride.  

  9. Students should sit with siblings, students who live in the same household, share the same bus stop, or share the same classroom to the greatest extent possible.  

  10. Seat students two per seat if it is not possible to seat students alone.  Pair students who share the same household first, those who share the same bus stop next prior to making other types of seating arrangements.  Students who come from the same household may set three per seat.

  11. Students should be seated in sections according to bus stop locations.  

  12. Bus drivers must maintain and implement a seating chart which follows these guidelines at all times.  These seating charts will be shared with the Transportation Director and the Building Principal of the receiving school.

  13. Face coverings are required for bus drivers any time children are present on the bus and while in all school facilities.

  14. Face coverings are required for support staff and students on the bus.  Face coverings should show the student’s first and last name for PreK-2 students to the greatest extent possible.  

  15. Buses will be disinfected by bus operators.  Bus operators will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in the vehicle.  (e.g., surfaces in the driver’s cockpit, hard s seats, arm rests, door handles, seat belt buckles, light and air controls, doors and windows, grab handles) before all routes.  Children must not be present when the vehicle is being cleaned.  

  16. Keep doors and windows open when cleaning the vehicle and between trips to let the vehicles thoroughly air out.

  17. Drivers and transportation support will clean, sanitize, and disinfect equipment including adaptive equipment being used during bus routes.

  18. Students will only be permitted to be taken home to one defined drop off point in the afternoon.  The district will not permit bus slips until further notice.

  19. Drivers and support staff will ensure the safe and correct use and storage of cleaning and disinfectant products, including sorting products securely away from children and providing adequate ventilation when staff use such products.

  20. Buses will be deep cleaned by drivers on a weekly basis with provided guidance from the bus manufacturers for deep cleaning.  

  21. Hand sanitizer will be provided (with at least 60% alcohol) to support healthy hygiene behaviors on all school transportation vehicles for safe use by staff and older children.  

  22.  Students should use hand sanitizer when getting on the bus in the morning.  

  23. Hand sanitizer should only remain on the bus while they are in use as heat and direct sunlight can degrade its effectiveness.

  24. Bus drivers will systematically and frequently check and refill hand sanitizers.


  1. In a school zone, buses will be loaded and unloaded one at a time.  Students may be sent to separate doors to minimize congregation of larger groups and buses will be unloaded gradually per the principal’s direction.  Each principal shall observe physical distancing to the greatest extent  possible during arrival and dismissal and develop a plan with the Union Local Transportation Department.  

  2. If the weather is appropriate and it is safe to do so, consider keeping the windows open while the vehicle is in motion to help reduce spread of the virus by increasing air circulation.

  3. Parents who drop off and pick up will be directed to a designated area on the grounds for which their child attends.  ALL pick ups and drop offs will occur outside.  During pickups it is required for parents/guardians to utilize face coverings if they exit their vehicles.  Social distancing outside of the vehicles should be practiced.  

  4. Students who must wait during arrival and dismissal shall observe physical distancing in waiting areas through dots or marks on the floor.   

  5. As necessary, social stories will be developed for students who need to adjust to seeing the use of face coverings and other personal protective equipment while on the bus.

  6. Parents may want to consider driving their own children if they are more comfortable providing private transportation.  


Sanitation Logs will be turned into the Transportation Director after completing the last route.  All surfaces must be cleaned with a disinfectant solution.  


  1. Minimize crowding at drop-off and pick-up times

  2. Add visual cues or barriers as needed to direct traffic flow and distancing

  3. Develop signage and processes to minimize interactions of families.

  4. Consider dividing participant entry points rather than funneling all participants through the same entry point.  These approaches can limit the amount of close 

Buses/AM procedures:

  • High School Students will be dropped off at the commons

  • Middle School Students will be dropped off out back by the middle school cafeteria

  • Parents will drop off students at the middle school front door

  • Unloading students:  Students need to go to first period class

  • Teachers will start at 7:15 and leave at 2:30

  • Doors will not be open until 7:15 for anyone.  Teachers will be in their classrooms monitoring their students.

  • Buses are to unload one bus at a time


  • Doors open up at 8:30  

  • Teachers will report to their classrooms at 8:15 to monitor their own students.  They can leave at 3:30.

  • Buses are to unload one bus at a time

  • Parents can not drop students off until 8:30

  • Parents can walk students up to the overhang but parents must wear masks

  • Kindergarten, 1st parent drop off students come through yellow wing--kindergarten doors

  • 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th drop off students come through main entrance

  • Bus students dropped off  at cafeteria doors

Dismissal Time:

  • Dismiss walkers at 2:00/3:00 by grade-levels 

  • Dismiss from last period class.  Dismiss students by bus number.  Do one bus at a time.  Split the buses where half go out back and pick up middle school students and the other buses go in front of the commons and pick up high school students.  Then the buses switch picking up the other group.

  • 6th grade walkers go out the T and 7th and 8th walkers go out the main door

  • High school walkers/pick-up students:  freshman/sophomores pick-up students go out fitness; juniors/senior drivers go out the commons

  • Students having practice after school will be dismissed last

  • Elementary:  Dismiss by grade-level.  Buses will go down after all the parents have picked up their students.  Students will stay in their classrooms until their bus numbers are called.


Sanitation Logs will be turned into the Transportation Director after completing the last route.  All surfaces must be cleaned with a disinfectant solution.  

Child Nutrition and Food in Schools

Staff and students should not bring or share refreshments during meetings or class in order to limit the risk of contamination.  We ask that food be kept with individual student and staff space, except for staff food needing to be stored in a refrigerator or heated in a microwave.  Delivery of food or food brought in from outside restaurants will not be allowed until further notice.  Other than a packed lunch brought in by the student, no other food will be permitted.  Aside from water bottles, students are not permitted to bring any other drinks inside the school.

Cafeteria and Meal Periods

Students may bring their own meals to school.  The Union Local School District will serve breakfast and lunch.  Disposable food service utensils and containers will be used.  

Modified Arrangements

  • ALL students shall enter the facility in the morning and report directly to the designated breakfast pickup area.  All students will pick-up their breakfast and then report  to their classroom.   Breakfast  will be made available at the Middle/High School from 7:15-7:35 and at the Elementary School from 8:30-8:50.  Prior to eating and after eating students should be washing their hands.  Student work spaces shall be disinfected after breakfast by educational staff.  

  • High School breakfast will be picked up in the commons.  

  • Middle School breakfast will be picked up outside the MS  cafeteria.  Adjustments may be made depending on the weather.  

  • Elementary School breakfast pick-up will be in the yellow wing near the KG exit door to the playground for grades K-1.  Breakfast pick-up for grades 2-5 will be in the main entrance lobby area.   

  • Elementary Student Lunches will be served in the cafeteria.  

Student Lunch periods will be 45 minutes long.  Lunch groups will be divided into two groups.  Groups  will be broken up by grade in an area in which social distancing is able to be maintained. This area could include the classroom or playground.  The first group will be served lunch in the cafeteria. Tables will be arranged to accommodate for social distancing to take place in the cafeteria.  Students will be called one table at a time to receive their meals. At the halfway point of lunch the groups will rotate locations.  Meals will be prepared. 

  • Middle School Lunches will be broken into the three periods during the day.  The periods will be 4th, 5th, and 6th.  Students will be called one table at a time to receive their meals.  Tables will be arranged to accommodate for social distancing to take place in the cafeteria.  

  • High School Lunches will be served during 5th and 6th period.  Students will be called one table at a time to receive their meals.  Tables will be arranged to accommodate for social distancing to take place in the cafeteria.  

  • Money will not be accepted during lunch time.  All accounts will need to be prepaid.  Students at the middle school and high school will need to turn their money into the cafeteria workers during breakfast pickup. Elementary lunch money will be accepted in the classroom.   All money will need to be placed in an envelope labeled with the student name and identification number.   Online lunch payments can be made by accessing the school website.  This is payschool central.  

  • Each student table will be equipped with hand sanitizer, however, students are expected to wash their hands with soap and water prior to entering and when departing the cafeteria.  

  • Students will be able to purchase “extra” items at lunch, when available.  These items must also be prepaid for utilizing the same procedures identified above.  

  • To minimize movement around the cafeteria, trash cans will be placed near each table.  

  • Upon making the transition from to the cafeteria, students shall follow a designated path demonstrated by visual postings.

  • A touchless point of service shall be used in the cafeteria to track meals served.  This will involve students clearly stating their first and last name so that the point of service contact can select the account required to track the purchase of the meal.  

  • Staff meals will be available at a cost of $3.75.  The district salad bar will be available through pre packaged choices.  

  • Outdoor spaces for eating, weather permitting, may be used as practicable and appropriate.  

  • All food service employees will wear cloth or disposable face coverings at all times, to the greatest extent possible.  Such coverings shall be cleaned or replaced daily.  Face shields may be substituted when serving line interaction takes place.  

  • All food service facilities shall be to the greatest detail be thoroughly cleaned, sanitized and disinfected before resuming food preparation and distribution, and continually disinfected regularly.  Cleaning and sanitation on high contact areas that would be touched by employees and students shall be performed by food service staff in between serving groups of students and at the end of the day by always doing the following:

    • Cleaning products and protocols that include EPA-approved disinfectants that meet CDC requirements for use and effectiveness against viruses, bacteria, and other airborne and blood-borne pathogens shall be procured and utilized.  The CDC guidelines on disinfecting buildings and facilities shall be followed.  

    • Between school meal services, staff shall clean and sanitize commonly touched surfaces.

    • Procedures to increase the frequency for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces in the kitchen shall be implemented.  All food contact surfaces when using disinfectants shall be avoided.  

  • Any single-use items left in the food service area by students shall be discarded.

  • Food preparation and distribution shall be in place that adhere to social distancing.

  • Milk shall be distributed to students in individual containers.  If students will be reaching into a cooler to grab their own milk, the cooler must be cleaned and sanitized between lunch groups.  

  • All self-service food stations for food, condiments and utensils shall be eliminated. 

  • Meals will be distributed to students by a school employee following proper food safety guidelines.

  • Meal services contingency plans for remote learning scenarios include curbside service at select school locations for school closures and packed meals for students to take if they are not in school five days during a week.

  • Necessary supplies will be audited to ensure that we are prepared to operate alternative serving models (i.e. serving meals in classrooms, disposable food service items)

  • Procedures and protocols to ensure students have access to school meals during unanticipated school closures will be maintained.  For planning purposes this shall include, at a minimum, the following topics:

    • Procurement of food

    • Food distribution options

    • Staffing

    • Transportation

  • When the Union Local School District is operating within the Yellow framework and Group A is attending Tuesday and Wednesday and Group B is attending Thursday and Friday, meal pick-ups for the dates for which students will not be attending school will be available on Monday between the hours of 11:30 and 12:30.  Meal must be ordered by calling the office of the building for which children are enrolled.  The orders must be received by 9:00 A.M. each Monday.  Orders can also be made by emailing Kathy Fowkes [email protected].  High School and Middle School will be picked up outside of the High School Commons.  Union Local Elementary can be picked up outside of the Elementary Cafeteria.  Delivery may be available upon request.  Students who may receive free and reduced lunches will be able to access these meal pick ups at the free or reduced cost.  Students who do not receive free and reduced lunches will be asked to pay the lunch price of the respective building the child attends.  

Safety Protocol

General Safety Strategies for Good Hygiene

  • Daily health checks should be completed at home before coming to school.  If you feel sick, please stay home.  Do not return to school/work until CDC criteria are met or you are cleared from a medical provider. (SEE ATTACHED FAMILY RISK ASSESSMENT FORM)

  • All doors will be propped open this year.  Any windows that can be opened should be if weather permits.

  • Hand sanitizer stations at all entrances

  • Students or staff exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent home or to a health care provider immediately.

  • Practice social distancing whenever feasible.

  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol content.  Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout school environments.  

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow and a tissue and dispose of the tissue.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched items and surfaces as much as possible.

  • If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in your home, please contact your child’s principal or health care provider.

  • Utilize personal protective equipment as much as possible.  

  • Encourage alternative meeting options for volunteer activities and groups.

  • Limit the number of students using the restrooms at one time.

  • Consider the use of safety barriers for staff in high traffic areas.

  • Playground equipment shall not be utilized until further notice.

  • Manipulatives and Equipment sharing should be limited to the greatest extent possible.

Restroom Usage During the Workday

Each school building shall establish the maximum capacity for the facility that allows for physical distancing.  Post the maximum capacity sign on the door.  Provide supplies for staff to clean up after themselves in staff only restrooms.  SIGNAGE MUST BE POSTED ON THE DOOR LOGGING THE TIMES THAT THE RESTROOM IS DISINFECTED.  Restroom temporarily closed signs should be posted and clearly visible and as custodians disinfect throughout the school day.  

Locker Rooms

Locker Room use should be limited.  While in locker rooms, students are to physically distance from others as a normal practice.  Masks should be worn.  Students should avoid touching surfaces touched by others to the greatest extent possible. 

Physical Distancing

Schools will do the following for physical distancing:

  • Provide physical distancing floor/seating markings in waiting and reception areas

  • Mark or designate six feet of spacing to remind students and staff to stay six feet apart in lines and at other times when they may congregate

  • Provide marks on the floors of restrooms and locker rooms to indicate proper physical distancing

  • Limit nonessential visitors and activities involving external groups and organizations

  • Monitor arrival and dismissal of students to discourage congregating and ensure students report directly to classrooms or designated areas

  • Develop procedures to address appropriate physical distancing to accommodate essential parent/guardian meetings

  • Arrange desks or seating so that students are separated from one another by six feet.  If it is not possible to arrange seating six feet apart, have all students seat facing the same direction. 

General Safety Strategy:

  • District officials will work closely with the health department and maintain open communication with state agencies.

  • Practice social distancing and use visual markings.

  • Daily cleaning and disinfecting protocols for high touch areas and surfaces.

  • Provide health and safety education related to COVID-19.

  • Post signs in buildings reinforcing social distancing and good hygiene.

  • Hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed in all classrooms and high traffic areas.

  • As feasible, keep grounds of students together throughout the day to minimize interactions between large groups.

  • As feasible utilize outdoor learning species or large indoor space to maximize social distancing.  

  • Student desks and tables will be in rows and facing in the same direction.

  • Students will be assigned to seats in the classrooms.

  • Group seating and group interactions will be avoided as much as possible.

  • Non-essential furniture and equipment including area rugs will be moved out of classrooms.


Union Local values the collaboration and commitment of our community.  However, to maximize student and staff safety we will be instituting remote visitor services.  Should a non-Union Local employee have business to conduct the following guidelines will apply:

  • To the greatest extent possible, phone calls or virtual meetings should replace school visits.

  • Visitors should phone the school to make appointments with the staff as the need arises.

  • For those requiring drop off or pick up materials, each school will have a touchless “drop box” outside of the school for material exchange.

  • Guardians whose children arrive late or need to leave early should notify the school when possible.  Once on site, the guardian will provide visual identification at the camera entrance and a staff person will escort the child to and from our facility.  The guardian will not enter the facility unless authorized by the principal in special circumstances.  

  • When circumstances require a visitor for either an emergency or at the request of the administration, all visitors will be subject to the same subject protocol of staff and students.  This will include a temperature screen, completion of a questionnaire, and the requirement to wear a mask.  Those unable to comply due to medical restrictions will need to provide proof of those medical restrictions.

Guidelines For Responding To A Confirmed Case

  • If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at school, regardless of community transmission, the school may need to implement a short term closure.  If this happens the CDC recommends the following procedures take place.

  1.  Once learning of a confirmed COVID-19 case for a student or staff member, the school’s health offices should immediately contact the county health department.  Tracey Childress and Missy Smith will be liaisons to the health department.  A confirmed case is a positive COVID-19 Lab Test.

  • Belmont County Health Department Guidance

  1. Diagnosed Individual- Quarantine for a 14 day period.

  2. Direct Exposure- Being exposed within 6’ or less, with a confirmed case of COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes with or without a mask.

  • Quarantine for 14 days from the date of last exposure and monitor symptoms.  

  • I think I know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms.  YOU CAN BE WITH OTHERS AFTER THE FOLLOWING:

  1.  At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and

  2. At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and

  3. Symptoms have improved

  4. Depending on your healthcare provider’s advice and availability of testing, testing to determine the presence of COVID-19 may be explored.  If you are tested, you can be around others when :

    • you have no fever, respiratory symptoms, 

    • if symptoms have improved, 

    • and you receive two negative results in a row, at least 24 hours apart.  

I tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms

If you continue to have no symptoms, you can be with others after the following:

  • 10 days have since passed

Depending on your healthcare provider’s advice and availability of testing, you might get tested to see if you still have COVID-19.  If you will be tested, you can be around others after you receive two negative test results in a row, at least 24 hours apart.  

If you develop symptoms after testing positive, follow the guidance above for “I think or know I had COVID, and I had symptoms.

Nurses Station:  

  • School Nurses will work with each building office and the Belmont County HealthDepartment to track COVID-19 in the building and within the district.  Tracey Childress will be the liaison between the middle school and high school with the Belmont County Health Department.  Missy Smith will be the liaison with the Belmont County Health Department for the elementary school.  

  • School Nurses record clinic visits and will be able to track and identify COVID-19 symptoms.  They will work closely with school administrators, administrative assistants and other necessary school personnel to monitor absent trends.  Significant trends will immediately be reported to the building principal who will report this to the superintendent of schools.  

  • During the first hour of school each day, a COVID 19 check should be conducted to screen those who report and/or show COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.  

  • Teachers and staff will be provided with a list of COVID -19 symptoms.

  • Students and staff exhibiting any symptoms will be evaluated and be determined if they need to be sent to the school isolation room.  

  • The School Nurse will document any dismissals due to flu-like or COVID-19 related symptoms.  

  • Each building will utilize an isolation room.  This room will serve the purpose to isolate students and staff for whom COVID-19 symptoms are able to be identified.  

Health Protocols

When a student or staff member presents with COVID-19 like symptoms, they should be considered a “suspect COVID-19 case” and the school nurse will:

  • Limit the person’s contact with other students and staff to the greatest extent possible, using an isolation room and separate bathroom.  

  • PPE will be required as part of the nurse’s office and the isolation room.  

  • Designated rooms will be chosen by the district administration in order to separate non-symptomatic  children from symptomatic children.  Consideration must be given for a room that includes the availability of adequate plumbing, waste disposal, and capacity to keep children comfortable until the parents can pick them up.  

  • All students exhibiting symptoms should be placed in the custody of a parent/guardian as soon as possible.  Guardians/Parents will be required to provide an available number that they can be reached while their child is at school.  

  • Notification of parents to pick up their child immediately and instruct them to keep their child home until guidelines to return to school can be met.  

  • Recommend to parents/guardians notification of the student’s or staff member’s personal physician for further evaluation and possible treatment.  

Elementary Recess and Outdoor Activities

To the greatest extent possible outdoor areas will be divided into designated zones with well-marked boundaries established on the play area.  Students will be provided training where barriers and designated zones are in the playground area.  

  • The playground areas and designated zones for individual classrooms to participate in should be considered if there is adequate space on the playground.

  • Playground size should determine the number of zones appropriate for each school and limit the number of students present in any one area of the outdoor area.  

  • Students should be scheduled at staggered times to ensure maximization of playground area and minimization of potential interactions outside of their core groups.

  • Playground equipment will be closed until further notice.

  • Smaller playground equipment will not be provided until further notice. 

  • Upon returning from the playground/outdoor areas, students will be asked to wash their hands.  

Facilities Cleaning

The Union Local School District prioritizes the safety of employees and students at all times.  Upon reopening, schools will have been thoroughly cleaned.  The cleaning steps outlined below are to be taken to disinfect workplace surfaces, chairs, tables, etc. to protect employees and students and to reduce the risk of the spread of infection.  

General Disinfection Measures





Classrooms, Offices

Once daily by custodians

All staff are encouraged to clean their work space or classroom frequently throughout the day


Refrigerators, Microwaves, Coffee Machines

At least daily if in a shared space

Electronic Equipment

Copier Machines, Shared Computer, monitors, TV’s, Telephones, Keyboards

At least daily if shared

Personal items at least daily or more frequently if that is the preference of the user.

High Touch Areas and Surface Objects

Handles, Light Switches, Sinks, Restrooms, etc.

A minimum of 4 times per day


Bus Seats, Handles/Railing, Belts, Window Controls

Prior to each bus run and at the end of the day

Common Areas

Cafeteria, Library, Conference Rooms, Gyms, Common Areas

At the end of each use/day; between all group usage

In alignment with recommendations, the Union Local School District is taking measures to prevent community spread of COVID-19, which includes undertaking enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures.  Union Local has developed two enhanced cleaning and disinfection models which include deep cleaning protocols for all schools and school facilities to follow during the COVID-19 public health situation.  

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection prevention

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection for deep cleaning after notification of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in any of our facilities.

Enhanced Disinfection Measures

Enhanced Cleaning for Prevention

  1.  General guidance:

 i. Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting, focusing on high touch surfaces, restrooms, buttons, handrails, tables, faucets, doorknobs, shared items.  Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting with attention to these areas helps remove bacteria and viruses.

ii. Practice good hygiene after cleaning: 

  • Wash Hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  • If soap and warm water are not available, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  1.  Safety guidelines during cleaning and disinfection

i. Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and disinfecting.  Gloves should be discarded after use.  Clean hands immediately after gloves are removed.

ii. Wear eye protection when there is a potential for splash or splatter to the face

iii.Store chemicals in labeled containers.  Keep them in a secure area away from children and food.  Store them in a manner that prevents tipping or spilling.

  1. Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces:

  • Clean surfaces and objects that are visibly soiled.  This should be the first step in the disinfection process.  If surfaces are dirty to sight or touch, they should be cleaned using a detergent soap and water prior to disinfection.

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces as soon as possible in areas where a person with respiratory symptoms (e.g. coughing, sneezing) was present.

  • Use an EPA- registered disinfectant for use against the novel coronavirus.  Refer to the list of products pre-approved for use against emerging enveloped viral pathogens, or the list of disinfectants for use against SARSCoV-2.

  •  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use of all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., dilution concentration, application method and contact time, required ventilation, and use of personal protective equipment). The disinfectant concentrations and contact time are critical for effective disinfection.  Ensure that disinfectants are prepared (well-ventilated areas) and handled safely, wearing the appropriate PPE to avoid chemical exposure.  Review the COVID-19 Chemical Disinfectant Safety Information guide to potential health hazards and recommended protective measures for common active disinfectant agents.  

  • Consult manufacturer recommendations on cleaning products appropriate for electronics.  If no guidance is available, consider the use of alcohol-based wipes or spray containing at least 70% alcohol.  Use of alcohol based products may reduce risk to sensitive machine components.  Whenever possible, consider using wipeable covers for electronics. Dry surfaces thoroughly to avoid pooling of liquids.  

The following products are effective for disinfection of hard, non-porous surfaces:

  • A 10% diluted bleach solution, an alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol, and/or an EPA-registered disinfectant for use against COVID-19

  • Prepare a 10% diluted bleach solution by doing the following:

* Mix five tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water

*After application, allow 2 minutes of contact time before wiping or allow to air dry without wiping

           vii. For soft (porous) surfaces such as carpeted floor and rugs:

  • Remove visible contamination (if present) and clean with appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces.

  • After cleaning, launder items in accordance with the manufacturer instructions.  If possible, launder items by using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely.

  • If laundering is not possible, use an EPA-registered disinfectant for use against COVID-19.  Refer to the list of products pre-approved for use against emerging enveloped viral pathogens, or the list of disinfectants for use against SARS-CoV-2

  • Backpack sprayers will be used to clean larger surface areas.  

            viii. If a COVID-19 case is confirmed in the school, the custodial staff are required

    To follow the guidance for Enhanced cleaning and disinfection after notification of 

    A confirmed case of COVID-19 outlined in this document.

Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection During Designated Deep Cleaning Time and After Notification of a Confirmed Case of COVID-19

This protocol is for cleaning and disinfection of areas on designated deep cleaning days for facilities and where a person with COVID-19 spent time in Union Local facilities.  After notification of a person with confirmed COVID-19 in a facility, the following cleaning and disinfecting protocol will be followed:

  1.  Buildings and/or specific rooms and areas where COVID-19 positive people spent time will be assessed on a case by case basis.  The cleaning scope will be implemented based on the risk of potential contamination as determined by Union Local School District consultation with the Belmont County Health Department.  

  2. Union Local staff will do the following as applicable:

  3. Areas that require restricted access during and immediately following enhanced cleaning will be identified. 

  4. The scope of cleaning will be determined by the Custodial Supervisor in consultation with the Belmont County Health Department

  5. The custodial supervisor will communicate with impacted building administrators or other personnel.  

  6. The custodial supervisor will direct the work of building custodial staff to establish a clear timeline for cleaning to be completed.  

      C.  When cleaning and disinfecting rooms with increased surface area due to a large   

           Number of desks, tables, and other furniture, and where backpack sprayers are needed, the Maintenance Supervisor will notify the building administrator in advance.

       D.  The custodial staff will:

  1. Follow the enhanced cleaning for prevention guidance outlined in this document

  2. Open windows to the outside to increase air circulation

  3. If an outside contractor must be used for cleaning and disinfection, the proposed scope of work, including products and their safety data sheets and application methods must be reviewed and approved prior to work commencing

       E.  Wear the required personal protective equipment during cleaning and disinfecting:

  1. Disposable gloves must be worn

  2. Safety glasses/goggles must be worn where there is a potential for splashing

  3. The cleaning crew should wear an N-95 mask

  4. All staff shall be fully trained on donning and taking off required PPE to prevent cross contamination.  


  • The Union Local School District will be installing Austin Air Healthmate Plus Portable HEPA Air Scrubbers in all classrooms and office areas.  These are medical grade air cleaners that have consistently rated at the top of air cleaning categories. 

  •  In addition, larger spaces will be equipped with Model DSI 140X Filtered Fans.  Both of these products will be used to limit virus exposure in the school setting.  Viruses are submicron particles that often travel via respiratory droplets that measure 0.50-15 micron.

  • Studies show that submicron particles can carry enough virus to cause infection. SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) is approximately 0.12-0.16 micron in diameter (does not travel by itself). The size of the droplet, the quantity of live viruses it contains, the time it remains suspended in the airstream, even the temperature and relative humidity are all critical variables when considering the likelihood of airborne contamination.

  • These air scrubbers will work to reduce the presence of such virus particles.

   Union Local  School District

Parent/Guardian COVID-19

At Home Health Risk Assessment

The health and safety of the students and staff of the Union Local School District is the number 1 priority of the district.  In order to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff within the ULSD, it is imperative that our Parents/Guardians screen students at home for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to sending them to school.

Each morning screen your child for the following signs/symptoms of COVID-19:


Signs/symptoms can range from mild to severe illness. 

If your child is experiencing multiple signs/symptoms, you should keep your child at home and contact your child’s school.

*Seek medical care immediately if your child has

emergency warning signs of COVID-19.

  • Trouble Breathing

  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

  • New confusion

  • Inability to wake or stay awake

  • Bluish lips or face

This list is not all possible signs/symptoms.  Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you

For further information, please visit cdc.gov/coronavirus

Union Local School District

COVID-19 Return to School Form

Date____________Student Name____________________Grade_______

School Attending:    ?? Elementary ?? Middle  ?? High School

Your child has been seen in the School Health Clinic and is experiencing the following signs/symptoms of COVID-19:

?? Cough

?? Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing

?? Fever with Temperature of _______

?? Repeated shaking with chills 

?? Chills 

?? Nausea or vomiting

?? Headache

?? Muscle Pain

?? Runny Nose

?? Loss of taste or smell

?? Sore Throat

?? Diarrhea

You must contact your child’s Health Care Provider for further guidance on your child’s ongoing medical care and possible COVID-19 testing.   A medical note is REQUIRED for your child to return to school.

 Guidelines for decision to discontinue isolation for a confirmed case of Covid-19 are as follows:

  • At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms(e.g. Cough, shortness of breath) and

  • At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. 

  • Please notify the school if your child has acquired a confirmed case of COVID-19 or a positive COVID-19 household contact.  


*Seek medical care immediately if your child has

emergency warning signs of COVID-19.

  • Trouble Breathing

  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

  • New confusion

  • Inability to wake or stay awake

  • Bluish lips or face

School Authorized Signature_______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________________

Physician/Medical Prodiver Signature________________________________________

     Social Distancing Classroom Setup Checklist 

Room Number: __________________ Name:  ______________________ Date: _____________

Furniture items and rugs purchased with district monies need to be clearly labeled, Personal items need to be taken home.

________Clear classroom of rugs and floor coverings 

________Remove furniture that prohibits maximum space for student desks 

________Student desks must be 6 feet from student seat to student seat 

________Student desks must be 6 feet from the teacher's desk 

________Student desks must be 6 feet from whiteboard/chalkboard teaching area Wall coverings/decorations must

                be minimal, look fresh (including lamination) and able to be wiped down and sanitized by the teacher    

________Classroom must have district adopted Covid signage visible 

________Classroom must have district adopted cleaning log visible 

________Classroom libraries and other shared materials among students must have a drop box available for used      

                items prior to sanitizing. Teacher sanitize items placed in the drop box prior to using them with other 


________Classrooms must be free of clutter on surfaces, storing materials in cabinets, leaving nothing on 


_________Teacher desk area is the responsibility of the teacher, permitting personal items to stay on the desk 

Number of Student Seats Available:  __________________

Teacher Signature & Date:________________________________________________

Administrator Signature & Date:____________________________________________



Student Desk 6FT Student Desk 6FT Student Desk


Student Desk

            Teacher Desk   6Ft


Those entering Ohio after travel to states reporting positive testing rates of 15% or higher for COVID-19 should  self-quarantine for 14 days. Positivity rate is an indicator of how much COVID-19 there is in a community, and ODH is recommending against travel to those states with high positivity. If someone must travel, ODH is recommending 14 days of self-quarantine after leaving those locations. This advisory is intended for both leisure and business travel, and should be heeded by both Ohioans and out-of-state travelers.  The Union Local School District will require a self-quarantine of 14 days when traveling to these identified locations.  


  1. Staff and students traveling out of state and staying out of state for more than 24 hours are required to self-identify with their building administrator.

  2. The Union Local Administration will identify if the states the staff and  students are traveling meet the criteria of a positive COVID testing rate of 15% or greater.

  3. Travel information must include the date, beginning and ending date for which the staff or student traveled into the state and stayed for 24 hours or longer.

  4. Using protocol from number 1, staff and students will be required to quarantine for 14 days from the departure date of COVID-19 state.  

  5. Staff and parents/guardians of students may opt to be tested for COVID-19 upon return from travel in state with a positivity rate of 15% or greater.  If a test is obtained the staff or student may return upon submission of a negative test result to the supervisor, administrator or coach.  

If a staff or student has recently returned from a vacation, this policy will apply effective immediately.  


  Union Local School District




Union Local School District 2020-2021 Online Learning Declaration


Parent Name ____________________________________


Student Name ___________________________________ 20-21 Grade Level ___________


Parent-Student Declaration Online Learning Option


You have elected online learning for your child for the 2020-2021 school year. In order to ensure that your child receives a quality education that is reflective of the guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Education, you must agree to the following (Due to school district by August 14, 2020):


I, parent/guardian of  ______________have elected to enroll my child(ren) in the online learning program with the Union Local School District for the 2020-2021 school year. This program of learning was created as a result of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and may not be an option in future school years.


I agree to the following and will participate as outlined below, or my child will be expected to be in attendance at school in person for the 2020-2021 school year (please initial next to each item):


  • I/My child will participate in an orientation that will include training on technology.  

  • My child will meet the grade level attendance and seat time expectations as outlined for his/her specific   grade level.

  • I will secure access to reliable internet and ensure that it is maintained through the period of remote learning.

  • I am liable for any damage that occurs to the school-issued device and will pay for the repair or replacement to ensure that my child can meet his/her learning goals.  

  • I understand that grading, assessment and reporting policies are consistent with in-person instruction.

  • I understand that I am only able to modify my choice at the end of each 9-weeks grading period. 

  • I understand that if my child receives special education-related services that they will be provided within the school day hours.  These services will either be provided virtually or on campus.


Parent Signature and Date:_____________________________________________________